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Glenn Hughes on Kevin DuBrow’s death

Glenn Hughes has issued the following statement regarding Kevin DuBrow’s (Quiet Riot singer) death:

We are all grieving.

Kevin and I were brothers. We spoke daily, and I mean on the phone, not e-mail.

The Kevin that I knew was a beautiful human being. He was kind, giving, nurturing. And generous. He would stay at my L.A. home when he was in town.

I never saw Kevin loaded. He respected my sobriety. He always spoke how about the change of my lifestyle, and how he also wanted to change his.

The last conversation I had with him 10 days ago was about this subject; he said he had to make some life changes. I was so happy and elated to hear this.

Gabi and I spoke to him last on Friday, November 16. He wanted to know if I could pick him up at LAX. On the 23rd, the day of a party at my house. Then there was nothing, no communication. Zero. Come Thanksgiving I knew something was strange. At the house, Kevin’s room was prepared as always, with his fave candies next to the bed. He always requests them when he stays. I thought, he’s gonna come jumping through the door any minute and demand to play the winner of the pool game between Chad Smith and myself.

As the party ended, Gabi and I spoke of his absence. She was very upset. All along, I felt something seriously wrong. Come Sunday morning, I couldn’t take it anymore and called Lark Williams, Kev’s ex-girlfriend. She was in San Francisco. I asked her if she knew a paramedic who could go over to Kev’s house and investigate. Dana, the medic, got in the house only to find my sweet brother at peace.

I am completely shellshocked. We were planning to go to Hawaii for some relaxation in the New Year.

For those of you that didn’t know him, he was a true, true friend.

l’m gonna miss our dinners at the Palm in Beverly Hills. I’m gonna miss his loud voice bellowing through my house. I’m gonna miss those oh-so-corny jokes. We all will miss him.

Sleep well, brother. Your legacy is in good hands with me.

Your loving brother, Glenn.

Thanks to Blabbermouth.net for the info.

55 Comments to “Glenn Hughes on Kevin DuBrow’s death”:

  1. 1
    Seven-47 says:

    My heart goes out to you Mr. Hughes, and to the family and friends of Kevin Dubrow. Quiet Riot was one of my favorite metal bands of the 80’s, and I was very saddened to learn of his passing. I feel now the same way I did in 1976, when I learned of the passing of Tommy Bolin. My prayers and thoughts are with the family, friends, and fans of Mr. Kevin Dubrow. Rest In Peace!

  2. 2
    Tracy Heyder says:

    What was the cause of death? Was this another terrible case of a selfish act from a human being given the the opportunity to have it all and yet just throw it all away? If so, it’s hard to honor him. One’s final act is the definition of who one truly is. The heart ache which this inexcusable act causes those who cared for the individual is much worse than the loss of the weak person whom takes such a selfish way out of his obvious miserable existance. Glenn, my heart goes out to you and those of whom which are broken up about Kevin’s passing, but I don’t have any regard for he who takes this approach with something so precsious as LIFE.

    As far as I’m concerned regarding this person……GOOD RIDDANCE!!!


  3. 3
    Seven-47 says:

    Dear Tracy Heyder;

    No cause of death has been determined, but your callous response to one’s passing is disturbing. I suffer from the same disease that claimed the life of Tommy Bolin, and the one that Glenn Hughes has conquered. Fortunately I am a functional alcoholic, who makes a good living, but cannot overcome my addiction. You are right, life is precious and that’s why I choose to keep on keepin’ on. One does not choose to be this way, but we live a life of extreme. I work hard and I play hard.!

  4. 4
    Drdp says:

    The Sun NEVER Sets for Souls On The Run…….THE WILD & THE YOUNG. Always brash & irrepresible, just what you would expect of a ROCK STAR. Lead Vocals on the very first METAL album to make #1 in the US charts. r.i.p Kevin DuBrow. Drdp

  5. 5
    Victor says:

    Glenn, thanks for sharing your story with us. It’s incredibly unfortunate that it has such a sad ending. As always, remember & honor, as your story most certainly does, the life of your dear friend.

  6. 6
    Stefan says:

    Don´t know what to say…stunned, sad,blank!! Was´nt a big fan of Quiet Riot or Mr. DuBrow….however, the man was a great entertainer and have truly earned the respect of the hard rock community!

    As no cause of death is yet released, I strongly recommed Tracy to keep her opinions to herself….no need to jump to conclusions! I know he had a history with alcohol and substance abuse, but to my knowledge he had cleaned up his act! By the way dear Tracy….unless you have a personal experience with addiction of any sort….Shut the F**K up!

    I´ve been clean and sober for 8 years now and know what it´s all about! It takes a lot of determination,love and support to kick the demons out of ones life….How you do it…does´nt matter as long as you get there, one have to find a method that applies to the individual in question!! To Seven-47…hang in there mate and keep fighting…I know you can do it!!!! Finally…to all friends, family and fans of Kevin DuBrow…my sincere respects!!

  7. 7
    BILLYFROM says:


  8. 8
    T says:

    I have never done illicit drugs of any kind and do not drink and therefore never had to deal with that kind of addiction. Whether that is through luck or perserverance I don’t know. However, we all have our demons we battle in our own ways. I dealt with my trauma and filled my void by running…very long and probably unhealthy distances. It became an obsession.

    I have always had a certain respect for those people who were able to climb out of the deep hole that it addiction. It is never too late to turn things around. Glenn Hughes is a good example of that. After wasting much of the 1980’s, he is making up for it now.

    We don’t know what happened to Kevin DuBrow. Like some of you, I wasn’t much of a Quiet Riot fan, but they have their place in rock history, and the man was much too young to pass away for whatever reason. And correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t there a Randy Rhoads connection there?

    On the other hand, I share Tracy’s frustration with rock stars whose lives were cut short in a senseless way. The list is far too long and includes our own Tommy Bolin.

    Condolences to the family and to Glenn Hughes at the loss of his friend, and best of luck to those facing their personal battles.

  9. 9
    Seven-47 says:

    T you are correct, Randy Rhodes was the original guitar player for Quiet Riot before hooking up with Ozzy.

  10. 10
    AndreA says:

    Kevin Dubrow: Rest In Peace,too young to die.You gave me good emotions with your rock:I’ll never forget this,thank you Kevin.

  11. 11
    Rascal says:

    Easy to judge, convict and sentence……………..Selfishness is human, some are lucky, others not so lucky.

    Dubrow gave enjoyment to many, and should be remembered for his life.

    A sad loss

  12. 12
    AndreA says:

    it is stupid to judge soon after a death,also Frank Banali (his drummer) say to respect his sadness,to let him crying because of lost friend.

  13. 13
    ChrisA says:

    This is very sad. One of the first “tapes” I bought as a kid was QRIII.
    Tracy, you have no idea… Would you say the same for Tommy Bolin?
    QRIII and Come Taste The Band have brought so many great memories and hope to my life both personally and as a musician. They still bring me lots of happiness. That is what I think of Kevin DuBrow.

  14. 14
    Carlos says:

    Strange and…incoherent! Glenn said that he talked with Kevin daily, yet he admits that the last conversation that he had with him was 10 days before his death, so…

  15. 15
    Seven-47 says:

    Thanks Stefan; Eight Years? That’s admirable! I wish I had your strength. Unfortunately the best I have been able to do is one year. I have come to accept myself the way I am, and enjoy life to the fullest.

  16. 16
    purplepriest1965 says:

    and to think I appear to be on some people s black list……


    Yep, very harsh words………..indeed, Tracy……

    I do not like people……….(I for one did not really approve of Kurt Cobain and certainly could not understand(…)his act of despair)

    ……….behaving destructively…….but so soon put this in words…………..A little more subtle could not hurt……

  17. 17
    Tracy Heyder says:

    Awwwee Come On…..

    I didn’t mean to turn this forum into a Toll Free hotline for wayward addicts. I was just expressing a point of view which I believe is a valid one. Condoning the irresponsible acts such as these are not the answer. I’m sorry to say that I am sick and tired of this term: “Disease”, being the umbrella by which the Addict or weak suicide offender falls under for sympathy or acceptance. These are self inflicted acts that only YOU can control and are responsible for. The day you buck up and Just Say No will place you back in a proper perspective. IT’S THAT SIMPLE.

    Seven-47:….Sorry you are having such a tough time making proper decisions regarding the DRINK to the point that you are concidered an “Alcoholic”. I’m glad that you “make a good living”. So did Keven Dubrow. Now look at him. Also, I know the cause of death hasn’t yet been publicized. That is why my first sentence in my entry was asking that very question, and then stating what I stated regarding the likelyhood that it was either/or. I didn’t jump to any conclusion, but my money is what you already know to be true.

    Stefan:…Again, I didn’t jump to any conclusion. See above. As far as you two having the Big Say in regards to dealing with Substance or Alcohol abuse, you don’t. I have had many experiences with this horror of horrors. Family, friends, and victims that I had to respond to daily while doing my job as a Fire/Rescueman for 25 years. I’ve seen every side of it and every story is the same. It is self inflicted and ONLY the individual is responsible. But the true victims are not the lost soul who can’t do the right thing, it’s the Friends, family or the poor person in the other car that he kills while driving in his drunken stuper that truly pays the price. I love to party as much as the next guy. Sometimes more than I should, but I know when to quit and know the consequence if I don’t. So do you. It’s the lack of effort towards making the right decision that exists. Good luck with your “disease” though. Really. Funny how this “disease” works. All you have to do is avoid Liquor Stores and Drug Dealers. Hmmmm. How hard is that?

    BILLYFROM:…I’m not HATEN anybody. On the contrary. Re-read what I wrote please. I gave my regards to those whom now have to deal with the totally selfish act (if determined) that Mr. Dubrow probably committed. the ones who truly need to be consoled. But somebody has to face up to he who did the act. He is gone. It was his doing. Not mine, yours or those who truly were close to him. People die every day from this disgusting way of life. WAKE UP PEOPLE. He is just another statistic, when once he was a famous, rich intertainer.

    ChrisA:…Actually a great question. Regarding Tommy Bolin….I have been a Deep Purple fan since the beginning. I lived in Miami and saw him with Deep Purple in ’74 there and then was supposed to go to his Tommy Bolin Band show in ’76 that was cancelled due to his “Disease”. At first, when I heard the news I was totally blown away. It seamed so unbelievable at the time and I couldn’t understand. Then these feeling quickly disappeared and I was angry. Angry because here is a guy would had a great gift and due to this gift was given so many doors to go through and when the Deep Purple door openned, he was totally set for life, if he was worth shit as a person. Guess what? His final act is who he was. He just happened to be in the public eye and very talented. We have the music, his jamily and friends deal with the loss every day. He does nothing but feed the worms now. I am very unbiased. I don’t change my view depending on who it it about. You get what you get.

    Carlos:….I agree. When one reads the Hughes statements in the article, there are many inconsistancies. I think it’s a case of trying to be “All That”, and it appears to me that he is inserting some “extras” into his connection. Hey, whatever it takes to fight the “Sickness”.

    purplepriest1965:….You are on target. I will agree that I came across “Harsh”. Especially my last sentence in my original response. But just as many of the responders have all of these “Fuzzy” little warm things to say about he whom they only know because they have one of his records (I do too), I was deeply disturbed by the fact that yet another loser joins the long list of losers due to a completely avoidable act. This was no accident. he didn’t run off the the road dodging a cat or dog. He ran off the road of life on his own. Just like Hendrix, Joplin, Cobain, Hutchenson, Bohnam, Morison, etc. They all were great at what they did. So be it. Only their recordings live on. If they didn’t have the recordings to pass on none of you would know of them. But, sinse you all give such credence to these “Fallen Stars” (actually they jumped), be truly responsible in your portrayal of what they did at the end and let’s be real. They are poor examples of obligation and responsibility. They “WERE” great musicians. They are “NOT” any more. Again, sorry for my “harshness”, but I am very passionate about this. obviously and I do have remorse for all of you who are “alive” and dealing with this issue, but once you take that final plunge, that’s your decision.

    Don’t be Haten….

  18. 18
    Carlos says:

    Yes Tracy, when Tommy Bolin died Glenn was the only one in Deep Purple who put him on a pedestal! I’m not saying that Tommy wasn’t a fine human beeing but professionnaly his vice brough prejudice to the band he was playing in! He was a member of a band and everyone was affected by his addiction! You certainly read about shows in Tailand and Japan or listened to the painful “Last Concert In Japan” where Jon Lord had to play all his solos because Tommy’s right arm was motionless due to a shot of bad heroïn! Tommy was not a “God” among guitar players! As far as I know he was an average musician and a nice fellow! Glenn had his own addictions too and then, because he is a strong person, a lot stronger than Tommy was, he conquered them! One thing that always stroke me in his interviews over the years, was the fact that he always tried to “sell” a better image of himself than the true one! I’m talking about the person, not the musician! Glenn still has one of the most fabulous living voices in the world of rock! And it’s also very strange the fact that having told that Kevin and him were such great friends, he only started to worry by…the end of the party! Well, it’s only my opinion, naturally…

  19. 19
    Carlos says:

    Concerning drugs and other nasty vices, I have to agree with you too! If you’re not a public figure you’re only damaging yourself and…it’s always your choice! I’m 51 and I never tried a single drug, not even a smoke (grass) and…it would have been very easy if…I had wanted to, which I never did!
    When you are a public figure you have a lot more responsabilities, towards the unit you work in and towards the people that allow you to have a certain life “status”! So, I don’t pity those who take drugs! They take them because they want to, nobody is forcing them and it’s their own choice! Naturally, with every good or bad choice that you make, you also have to face and endure the consequences…

  20. 20
    stoffer says:

    A fine rebuttal (although sad) Tracey, from a view most don’t see!

  21. 21
    Stefan says:

    I have never ever blamed anyone but myself for my addiction. I take full responsibility for my my own vices! Fortunately I were strong enough to make a decision and choose life over death! Despite your job as an “Fire/Rescueman” dear Tracy, you must be incredible ignorant to have missed the fact………alcholism is recognised worldwide as a disease! Don´t know if you missed that in Miami or if the Florida health department is in reality manipulated by Jeb Bush….or maybe Fidel Castro! I still claim that if you never felt the abuse on your own body…..you don´t know what your talking about!!!

  22. 22
    ChrisA says:

    Tracy… I understand what your saying and don’t completely disagree. Sorry if I sounded rude.
    I guess what I was trying to say is… I don’t know any of these people and we should not have turned this into a forum for “wayward addicts”.
    I just want to remember these people for the good music they made, alive or deceased. That’s what matters to me anyway.

  23. 23
    George Martin says:

    Who ever thought Kevin DuBrow’s death would cause such comments? Can’t we all just say it’s sad that it happened and pray for the loved ones healing? I only saw Quiet Riot once back in 83 when they opened up for Ozzy at the Meadowlands Arena in N.J. and was very impressed with Kevins powerful voice. May he rest in peace and everyone else Bang Your Head and Feel The Noise one last time!

  24. 24
    Seven-47 says:


    This will be my last comment on the subject; I never claimed to have the “Big Say” on substance abuse. My only intent was to advise people of the destructive nature of this disease, and yes it is a disease.! You being a “Fire/Rescue Person” should know that! I myself am a Deputy Sheriff, and understanding that substance abuse is a disease allows me to better deal with the volatile situations that arise with when dealing with subjects that are chemically dependent.

    Unfortunately people that do not have the brain chemistry that creates this disease do not understand! Glenn Hughes & Stefan do.

    RIP Kevin Dubrow!

  25. 25
    Cranberry says:

    We all have vices, some worse than others.

    I just hope Tracy doesnt want a job at the Samaritans!!

  26. 26
    Jim S says:

    The tough thing about addicition is that once someone is addicted, he or she usually does not have the wisdom to be able to stop because they often literally cannot see another way to live. That is the disease part. A sober person can see the flaw in the addict’s logic, but people with that substance in their bodies cannot see that anymore. Liquor is legal, so plenty of alcoholics fall into this habit that is condoned by our society. They might be surrounded by people who are able to or who SEEM able to handle their liquor. They are surrounded by a media blitz that endorses drinking. Obviously they should not have taken that first sip or toke or whatever. Ideally, everyone in the world would be perfect.

  27. 27
    Konrad says:

    Why the heck is Tracy saying the guy killed himself? Tracy, you sound like the church I quit going to cause they convicted you for anything and everything even if you didn’t do it. You were going to hell, they were sick people, who sound very close to your mindset. Dude, just wait till the coroner’s report comes out, what is your problem?
    You’ve worked 25 years supposedly in fire and rescue and you think it’s so easy for these addicts to quit?
    Wow, are you a trip!
    Now a whole other subject…….
    People who are addicts have a majorly different mindset! Their brain works totally different. Grab a clue and work one on one with some addicts locally, then maybe you’ll understand.
    otherwise, shut up!

  28. 28
    MervDog says:

    Wow ,we have lost another great man.The band played at Our bar in Cedar Rapids,Iowa (BigDogs) Twice. Both times this man and his band rocked the house.You will be missed Kevin.I’m sure Kevin is now rock’in with all the greats in heaven.I dont know what else to say.
    Rock On Kevin

  29. 29
    Tracy Heyder says:


    Look, I’m sorry I look at issues point blank and don’t mince words or play the PC game. The only reason this condition…”ADDICTION” is now classified as a “Disease” is due to the same reason Homosexuality is being accepted as a “Born” condition. It’s political. It gives the individuals certain benefits that they otherwise don’t disserve, such as medical insurance coverage and employer spent programs which eventually penalize those who actually do the right thing, due to huge costs to the employer and insurance companies. Just like the Alcoholic and the Drug Addict, the homosexual is an Addict…..actually I guess the term should be A-DICK-ed. Addicted to C..K. As is also the Child Predator an Addict. I guess you feel that all of these uncontrollable impulses fall under the same “Disease” Umbrella. I guess that means that the answer to all that is done wrong, can be labled a “Disease” and all you have to say is…..”I can’t help it. I just have to do these things and now I have a pass because the Liberal Simpathizers helped me put a label on my personal impulses, and now I not only have an excuse, but I also get my offences watered down and receive insurance coverage to boot”.

    Yes I am aware that this condition has been classified as a “Disease”. And I don’t blame you for feeling better about yourself or defending that classification. That is the way of the sidestepper. It’s like the Welfare System. so many use and abuse it and depend on it because they just can’t seem to find it in themselves to go to work. That’s because they have that “Disease” known as “LAZY” and are nonproductive and using the system to excuse themselves from the reality.

    I am appauled at the fact that the system has taken this personally inflicted, irresponsible act of being an addict, and put it in the same catagory as “Truly, Unfortunate Infections and Sicknesses”, such as Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, etc. or even AIDS (which actually falls under the self inflicted problem in Homoland) which truly incapacitates people and truly is a “Disease” which is not their fault and causes true suffering to the individual who has it. Not like your “Addiction Disease”, which when you are doing it, you are having a blast and the only time you are not is because you either ran out of the shit or you are hung over and late for work. BOO F..KING HOO. You wanna smoke……SMOKE! You wanna drink…..DRINK! You wanna suck a d..k…….SUCK A D..K! But Please don’t say that you can’t stop because you have a “DISEASE”. You have an “ADDICTION” and that’s it. Case closed. Yes, as a Fire/Rescueman I was trained and schooled all about this “Disease”. Just like I was trained on “Sencitiviy”. That was bullshit too. Just face it…….JUST SAY NO. I do it all the time. There are certain things that I love to do and I can easily take them to an extreme, but I take the time to analyze it and avoid the act. That is how it is done. Yes we are all different and we all have our vices. Believe me, I do. But there is no excuse for the act to be taken too far. If this is the answer, soon we will have anarchy because no wrong act will truly be wrong. It will be classified as a “Disease Caused Impulse” and thereby create the loophole for innoscence in bad behavior.

    But you know what? the only reason we are even having this ‘Tit for Tat” on this Deep Purple Blog, is due to the statement from Glenn Hughes about another of his Dead Friends. If I were Chad Smith, I might want to find somebody else to hang out with. Chances are……..

    Now let’s get off of this “Non-Purple” subject. I think there is a BLOG on the AA Website for this matter. Maybe we should switch over to that site.

    So Lighten Up….or Light Up……or Drink Up! YEAH BABY, YEAH!!!

  30. 30
    D.Rob says:

    Look people I live with an addict and know first hand the battles she fights to stay clean it is a daily battle. she does not want this but it is not as simple as saying hey I’m gonna be clean from now on. I havent had much interest in quiet riot they last decade or more but Randy Rhoads was a major influence on me becoming a musician, and I truly to this day love the old quiet riot albums with or without Randy. Kevin was an amazing singer and I felt sad when I heard the news. I just wonder what the hell went on that last week to 10 days? With a fiance not speaking to him for what 6 days and through thanksgiving? whats up with that, and Someone must have thought more about Kevin than to let it go for so long without saying hey where is he and maybe we should check on him.
    Off Kevin, Layne Staley comes to mind I met him and hung out with him and Sean and Mike on their first tour. I just cant stand by you all who say addiction over-rules self control, I have been in and out of bands forever and I have partied like a moron and had some close calls , you ultimatly control your own fate . I was smart enough to walk away from the bs. I love what Kevin gave us and no one knows yet what happened so please don’t think you know and respect everyone by not making asumptions . Rip Kev

  31. 31
    Stefan says:

    Hmm….One last comment on the subject! When I read Tracy´s comments I can´t help thinking…”Right wing,frustrated & christian fundamentalist” !!!
    I´m sure George W. Bush and Pat Robertson are very proud of you dear…!!

  32. 32
    Sami says:

    …Mr. Ted Nugent, anyone…ARF ARF ARF…

  33. 33
    purplepriest1965 says:


    I empathize with your passion, but unfortunately “Things are never SIMPLE………………”

  34. 34
    purpleman says:

    god loves kevin and glen and yes…..even tracy!!!

  35. 35
    Tracy Heyder says:

    D.Rob:….Overall, a great point. I would like to clarify something. I never stated that it is a simple task to do everything perfectly and never do the wrong thing. What I am mainly stuck on here is the overly zelous sorrow for the the “Action” causing the death or distruction of a human being. You can all say what you will, but to put the act of Dope and Booze above a resposible life either means you don’t have much to live for and therefore so be it or you don’t have the brain capacity to do as D.Rob and most others in society, and find another hobby which allows you to be a productive air breather. I, as does D.Rob admit to partying our asses off, and I still do from time to time (as a matter of fact, I’m drinking a fine whiskey right now), but responsibly. But I don’t wrap my life around it. That would mean I don’t have much of a life. I do….. Totally. I must say I feel more pity for DuBrow than sorrow. My sorrow goes out to those who are faced with his selfish demise, and especially to those who were close enough to him and are now faced with the guilt of maybe not doing enough for him. All I can say about that is…..HE DID IT TO HIMSELF!!!! Nobody else should feel guilty, unless of course you personally pulled the trigger, or shot the needle into his veins or whatever his Yum Yum of choice was. Maybe that’s why he didn’t show up at Glenns house. Maybe Glenn didn’t have the kind of Candy waiting for him on the nightstand that he wanted. Maybe it actually Glenn’s fault after all, (LOL).

    Stefan:….Actually, you aren’t too far off. I am very conservative (not quite Right Wing). I am a Christian, and I would vote for Gearge W. Bush again as I did his first 2 terms. I actually appreciate the company you placed me in. Funny, you chose to degrade my Christianity. Your fellow “Addict” gives total credit to his cleaning up to Jesus God, the higher Power. As do most who finally kick their uncontrolable habits. Some of us don’t have to kick anything because we already answer to he who set the example and asks to follow.
    So, again, thanks from the bottom of my heart for putting me in company with such accomplished beings. Too bad you only relate to the worm feeding dead guy, and Glenn Hughes before he totally cleaned up. Hmmmmm. Might want to join my group instead. Hmmmmm.

    Sami:….My Uncle Ted? Just as stated above, thanks!!!! Me and Ted have much in common. We both hunt and eat what we kill. We are both musicians. We totally are in control of our life and living it to the max. He is an icon in the music industry and has been for 40 years. he has a successfull hunting program on the Outdoor Channel. He ISN’T AN ADDICT. Not bad company at all. Not at all. I got to meet him after I got done chating with Purple at the Meet and Greet, when he opened up for Purple in Columbus, Ohio on June 30, 2001 (you can read the review I submitted in the archives with pictures). A totally honorable gentleman, whom I totally respect. So again, thanks for the correlation. You didn’t hurt my feelings one bit. We will survive even famine because we will “Hunt for Food”. What washed up junkie do you find youself most compared to? Hmmmmmm.

    purplepriest1965:…. I stand corrected. I don’t mean to come off like all is simple as puddin’ pie, but something as crucial as life itself disserves a little more attention toward keeping it going don’t you think? You only get one. then you just feed the worms. Of all the things to put effort into, it should be Living Life.

    purpleman:….. Yes he does, and I love him. And now, Kevin get’s to find out just how forgiving God truly is. I know he doesn’t accept suicide very well. Hope he didn’t take his life on purpous. I hear Purgatory and Limbo are not so great.

    Words I live by:

    “Everybody dies, but not everybody truly lives”.


    “Dream as though you will live forever,
    Live as though you will die tomorrow”.

    Cheers and,

    Live the life folks, but don’t be stupid enough to cut it short voluntarily. Leave that to God.

  36. 36
    Tracy Heyder says:

    Point of clarification…

    stefan:…..my statement about “your fellow Addict, was meant towards Mr. Glenn Hughes. I guess he is an ‘a-hole’ for finding Christianity huh?

    What say you?

  37. 37
    purplepriest1965 says:

    What I meant was that one often has intentions but not succeed in holding up to it.

    Depression amongst other things is a serious beast to consider……………..The DARK surviving everything and you…………….

  38. 38
    Stefan says:

    Dear Tracy! Have nothing against christians, muslims,jews or whatever faith you might have. Have christian beliefs myself…..however I don´t claim the bible as the ultimate truth!! I do have a problem with fundamentalists no matter what religion they might have (as most sensible europeans)!

    I don´t condemn Mr.Hughes for finding christianity in any way, as long as he´s not a rabid, fanatical,self-righteous biblebasher that passes judgement over other people and their way of life! I have met the man and I find that hard to believe! I guess you people in Amerikastahn….ooops…U.S.A. really have the president you really deserve! Osama or George….same shit to me!

    This will be my last comment on the subject (Yes…I promise, it´s getting boring…right? ) But, dear Tracy! Since you are a fellow human being on this planet….all the best and have a merry X-mas!!

  39. 39
    Tracy Heyder says:

    Now you are depressing me ‘priest’. Guess I must go to another blog and reap more havok. See? That’s how simple it is to avoid the “poison”. All I have to do is go somewhere else. See ya at the next Blog.


  40. 40
    purpleman says:

    I smoked alot of weed and did my share of no no’s in the 70’s and eightes.its realy hard to stop chasing that first buzzzz.You can never catch it…..It cant be done!But….We keep on trying,sometimes to the end .A sad sad lousy pitiful end!Its just the way it is. unfortunatly for some,Whos gona remember the thousands of regular people who died the same way?

  41. 41
    Corn Dog says:

    Good old diluted christian values, dont you just love them?

    I thought christianity preached that ‘only god judges’. ‘Cast the first stone’, and your god will damn you. See you in your hell

    It surely doesnt matter what ‘condition’ Dubrow had, he wasnt any lesser a human being than you or I. He is a ‘talent’ that is no longer with us.

  42. 42
    AndreA says:

    I guess that people could speak about religions without a ending story….I am sure to think that everybody belive in his self and in his religion,but because he does not believe in another he never accepts at 100% a different man by different religion…I think it could be easier to communicate without speaking about cristianity etc….

  43. 43
    Tracy Heyder says:

    The Subject of Christianity?

    Stefan:…..Number one, I am not a Bible Thumping pusher (I’ve been call worse things though). I am not even close. I never use that as my fulcrum to force down anyones throat. That is between me and the Higher Power. I am glad to share that with Glenn Hughes in stead of his “Addiction” though. You should try it. I only answered to your statement accusing me of being in your words: a Christian Fundamentalist. You brought that into the stuation, not me. Until that remark by you, I never eluded to my faith or anyone else’s lack of. Until the point of you all turning this into a “Name Calling” forum……here is a reminder: Castro Lover, George W. Bush Lover, Ted Nugent Lover, Amerikastahn, Christian Fundamentalist, etc. All I did was give my oppinion about the actual subject of this Blog and “Blam”, everybody get’s sidetracked and begins to go off into areas that have nothing to do with it.

    I guess next, as with all the other blog subjects, Purplepriest will throw in his “Blackmore is better than Morse” constant dribble. Get my point?

    Do I have true solid values and feelings about this particular subject regarding the death of a human being? Yes I do. Something as catastrophic as the end of someones pitiful life deserves strong points to be made. I’d hate for the next one to be you, but then, you won’t cause near the turmoil on this website as did this “Great Singer” who sings no more. So if you don’t want to be Preached to about one’s faith, don’t be stupid enough to put that subject into the equation. Especially when you are one of the weak ones who could actually benifit from it, but you don’t even have the ability to seek that. You’d rather hide behind your “Disease” and ignore something that night actually help you. Glenn Hughes is a “Great Singer” also. But he still sings. Hmmmmmm.

    ‘Nuff Said

  44. 44
    purpleman says:

    Cant we all just get along!!!!!I hate the word religion! thers only one god !!

  45. 45
    Gary says:

    Just agree to disagree. This site brought people together by the MUSIC of Deep Purple.

  46. 46
    Seven-47 says:

    Well said “Purpleman”!

  47. 47
    purplepriest1965 says:

    Did I already say there is BEAUTY in DEPRESSION as well?

    What would you like to hear when you are feeling blue/down and out/sad/depressed……..? :

    Some cheerful nonsense which makes you even sadder
    because that drivel is denying reality?

    Or will you listen to lots of great Classic Rock gems like :

    Mistreated/Child in time/When a blind man cries/Gates of babylon/ catch the rainbow/still got the blues/ july morning/ ain’t no love in the heart of the city/is this love?/ heaven and hell/place in line/ eyes of the world/ fighting man/ anthem(if you might wonder : on the superb 2nd album by DP….ROD, I love you!)………….

    And ofcourse many more from others like RIVERSIDE…………

    I do not have a QUOTE right now…………

    Excuse me!!!!!!!!!!!

  48. 48
    purplepriest1965 says:

    Religion is an annoying phenomena , indeed.


    Bad Religion, the Brazen Abbot album with our beloved Joe Lynn Turner seduces me everytime again to play it……..

    Maybe some evil voodoo trick?


  49. 49
    Angela says:

    Suicide has to be the only form of death I know of where people actually think they have the right to condemn and badmouth the deceased. Personally I find that extremely tasteless.
    With that being said we don’t know why Kevin died. So before you speak ill of the dead you might want to wait to see what the coroner’s office finds.
    As a fire/rescue person, your “bedside” manner leaves a lot to be desired.

  50. 50
    Sami says:

    ‘Actual subject of this Blog’!?? Well, I must have missed something, or
    is the cause of Mr. DuBrow’s demise been clarified??Please enlighten me
    fellow Purple-people.

    ‘ I’ve seen all good people’…nah, hypocrisy still rules, unfortunately!!

    Addict or not, I think Kevin DuBrow deserves some respect…
    he left his mark loud & proud!

    Priest has a point(as usual), Brazen Abbot is Great 🙂

  51. 51
    purpleman says:

    I love deep purple, may there music live on for ever. You cant kill that.Has any body checked out the coments on the paul rodgers section? theres some good stuff there!

  52. 52
    Rascal says:

    So glad to see everyone getting along………….

    Another blog reduced to a ‘slanging match’……………..

    The annoying thing is Im not even involved……………..

    You know this ‘christanity’ mumbo jumbo is giving Satanism a good name!!

    Purplepriest’s “Blackmore is better than Morse” constant dribble??????????
    Come on Tracy………..that isnt just any old dribble………… its dribble at its finest!!

    We need a quote Priest!!

  53. 53
    purpleman says:

    Blackmoore is the best damn blackmoore there is.And steve morse is the best steve morse there ever was and ever will be ,i love em both!

  54. 54
    Corn Dog says:

    Some might say that fate and destiny control our lives, and your particular god has it all mapped out. Some might say that we control our own destiny, you make your choices and live with them.

    Me, I think its all irrelevant.

    Dubrow lived his life, and now he is dead. He will be missed by many for different reasons.

    I didnt know the man, I aint interested in the reasons behind his death, I cant judge him, but I enjoyed his work.

  55. 55
    Svante Pettersson says:

    I think Corn Dog ended this debate fine. Comments closed on this post.

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