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Steve Morse instructional video

Steve Morse

Steve Morse has just made his “Power Lines” instructional video available on DVD via the Alfred Publishing company. The 60-minute disc’s description reads as follows:

Learn Steve’s warm-up exercises, how to add chromatic ideas to your playing, 3-note-per-string scales, sequences and arpeggios. Steve also reveals his unique method for playing polyphonic scales and melody lines. Up-close shots and graphics enable you to learn note-for-note some of Steve’s favorite licks.

Thanks to Blabbermouth.net for the info.

45 Comments to “Steve Morse instructional video”:

  1. 1
    Cranberry says:

    A Blackmore instructional video should be made available………..’Blackmores Mandolin Madness’………………..its a sure fire hit!!

  2. 2
    Mr Jone says:

    Cranberry, this is pathetic. What are you trying to achieve here, mocking Blackmore like this. Can’t you just get over it that he wants to play something other than hard rock?

    If you don’t like BN, fair enough. Don’t listen to it then. How hard can it be???

  3. 3
    Stefan says:

    Spot on Cranberry!!

  4. 4
    Bo says:

    For sure I will have this from Steve, BUT I will also – at any time – have one from RB too. He can play anything with strings at superior level.

  5. 5
    T says:

    Although I prefer Blackmore for reasons that are answered by simply looking at the live “Mandrake Root” video, this kind of thing is right up Steve Morse’s alley. I’ve always said he is *technically* superior–and that’s what we’re talking here is a video on technique. I couldn’t imagine a Blackmore video: “Volume IV: Playing With Your Feet””…

  6. 6
    Sami says:

    Who cares about technicality…TMIB should do an instructional video about how to write classic riffs & songs, giving birth to two Legendary bands, individuality, pioneering an influential playing style, stage presence etc. etc…and Yes, even unpredictability & ‘that elusive element’ that excites people!!!!!
    Steve Morse is brilliant, and I do like his style occasionally, but you don’t have to be a genius to realise that Mr. Blackmore has left his mark(long time ago. in fact!) in hard rock history…very few ‘banjo players’ have had such an impact!!!
    Let’s think about that, ’cause as we all know. there wouldn’t even be DP without
    Ritchie Blackmore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. 7
    Cranberry says:

    Hey Mr.Jones, I dont have any problem with RB. Prior to Blackmores Nights he was an exceptional, influential guitarist, of that their is no doubt. But what have we heard in the last ten years that adds to that legacy?

    So if RB wants to play renaissance music…….good luck to the man. So back to my original comment ‘he should release an instructional video for the mandolin players amongst us’. Personally I cant wait for it!

    I see enough negative comments about SM who at least plays electric guitar in the here and now.

  8. 8
    Rascal says:

    An instructional video by TMIB on how to write classic riffs! Interesting!

    I cant think of a classic riff he’s been reasonable for in the last decade, infact even trying to find an unclassic riff seems to eludes me, and obviously RB too!

    Maybe Mr. Moody is all out of new riffs

    Can anyone lay claim to hearing one recently? Anyone? Anyone?

  9. 9
    Sami says:

    So how many classic rock songs/-riffs has your beloved Mr. Morse written in the last decade?anything, anything?!?

  10. 10
    Rascal says:

    If you care to listen to the last few DP offerings you may hear SM’s electric guitar. You might even hear a few riffs.

    The problem is Sami, you live in the past, DP ended for you when his ‘blackness’ picked up his gypsy strings. And all you have to remind you of his talent belongs in the last century. He’s done nothing since. He’s a burnout!

    Sami, face the 21st century, Balckmore as you knew him, is no more!!

  11. 11
    Sami says:

    It’s good for you to remind me, Rascal, that Blackmore ‘belongs to the past’, as you put it, and I do realise that BN is Ritchie’s priority now and propably until he retires…and what a waste of a Brilliant Guitarist, Riffmeister & Performer that is.I don’t live in the past, I live in the here and now, nothing to do with one’s musical taste’s…and I have listened Purpendicular,Abandon,Bananas & Rapture-albums + various live-offerings many many times(I have bought the cd’s), Purpendicular & Rapture being my favourite post-Blackmore records.
    But insisting on calling TMIB ‘a burnout’, or mocking him here so often, I do wonder if you’re a DP fan at all!?
    Let’s face it…if Ritchie hadn’t left DP, very few of us would have heard of Steve Morse at all(is that good or a bad thing)!!
    Cheers, and let’s keep on moving.

  12. 12
    Cranberry says:

    Just leave TMIB alone…………….he does his best.

    He may not have recorded anything electric in the past ten years…………….so what???…… he can play a mean ‘Hurdy Gurdy’, and ive also heard he’s nearly mastered the ‘Bladder Pipe’……………..certainly a man of extraordinary talent.

    So as you can see the last decade certainly hasnt been wasted!!

  13. 13
    Sami says:

    Rascal, must admit that having seen Purple MkMorse three times live it was Brilliant every time…still something missing though…charisma & stage presence must be given, not borrowed.

  14. 14
    Rascal says:

    Whether we would have heard of SM or not isnt important. Blackmore left, its history. and lets face it if he’d have stayed would he have produced the kinda of material he did 1970’s/80’s ? Who knows? You certainly cant compare what he does now to what he did back then.

    Morse picked up the pieces, picked up his guitar and kept the band alive.

    What is RB capable of these days. Do you know? Does any of us?

    As for ‘mocking’ him? The mans just RIPE for mocking

  15. 15
    Rascal says:

    I dont think Morse pretends to be Blackmore, and he certainly doesnt need to borrow any of Blackmores attributes.

    He’s not trying to be Blackmore, he’s being the guitarist with DP.

    If you look at DP and expect to see and hear Blackmore each time…….. you need help. RB has gone, he is no-more, he has ceased to be.

  16. 16
    Sami says:

    Hahaa, ok, that’s it then.But as Paicey put it : ‘Ritchie’s wasting his time’. I think he still got it in him to write A Great Rock-album…perhaps we will never know.

    Morse has done a fantastic job so far & keeping the Purple-flame alive, respect.

    Peace, Sami.

  17. 17
    Rascal says:

    Im quite sure RB could write a ‘Great Rock Album’. I wish he would!!

  18. 18
    bernard says:

    salut les gars.1 peu de francais cela ne fait pas de mal de temps en temps.Mon avis à moi est qur RB est un guitariste incomparable ,avec un son et une expression guitaristique unique ,ainsi qu’un compositeur hors pair.Je ne pense pas du tout que Steve ait plus de techique que RB.Ce qui compte c’est la créativité,l’esprit,l’énergie et la magie.Ecoutez attentivement le solo de guitare du morceau A 200 sur l’album BURN.

  19. 19
    T says:

    Tu as raison Bernard. Ce que je veux dire est que Blackmore a plus de “créativité, l’ésprit, l’énergie” et surtout “la magie.” Mais je joue de la guitare et je peux te dire que Morse joue beaucoup plus “propre” et donc est parfait pour un vidéo comme cela. Mais qui est “meilleur”? J’aime mieux Blackmore. Ça c’est du rock! Il ne joue pas “propre”–il joue comme un fou!

  20. 20
    Jim says:

    Why all this bull about Blackmore on a blog about a Steve Morse Instructional Video. If you want blog about RB go to his website if you can get past the pixie dust and fairies and say your piece there. I hope that Morse stays with DP as long as the band is still going or until they retire.

  21. 21
    Rascal says:

    Well Jim, we decided to diversify this particular blog.

  22. 22
    Rascal says:

    Folie de mandoline

  23. 23
    S72ven says:

    Three weeks ago I attended another BN show during their “summer castle” kind of thing…compared to the prevoius time last year TMIB was really a disappointment. Only a few, mostly uninspired solos, the keyboard player had much more work to do….maybe BN starts to bore him!!!!???? Possibly a good sign!

  24. 24
    TruthHurts says:

    A Steve Morse instruction video? I presume it won’t have chapters on

    1.simple chord riffing,
    2.the importance of getting to the point with your solos,
    3.understanding 12-bar blues and European classical music and incorporating them into your style of playing, or
    4.getting a guitar tone that has real presence and raises hairs on the back of your neck?!?

    because the tutor does not know anything regarding these topics!!!

  25. 25
    Jim says:

    it must really suck …..living in the past

  26. 26
    Sami says:

    Well put, TruthHurts! to Jim…we don’t live in the past.we just don’t
    understand the mocking of TMIB(even when it’s called for) from people who call themselves DP fans, and we don’t pretend that DP
    started in ’96 with Purpendicular-album.Steve Morse is a fantastic guitarist, but I do find his playing style a little bit too hard to swallow sometimes…again, it’s a matter of one’s taste.
    I don’t have to go to BN-web site either to write about this subject, so come on you ‘Morse-fanatics/Blackmore-ridiculers’…stop the whining, ladies, and accept the fact that without Blackmore there wouldn’t even be a band called Deep Purple!!Let’s all ‘celebrate’ the Greatest & The Most Versatile band in the universe, and the continuation of the Purple-Legacy with Messrs. Morse & Airey…life’s too short to waste on petty opinion differences.
    Peace & harmony, until next time.

  27. 27
    Jim says:

    I don’t think I’m whining ladies, I’m just trying to stick up for SM. I also understand that without RB Purple as we know it would not exist, but like you and Morse, Sami, I find TMIB hard to swallow “THESE DAYS”. I can listen to Made In Japan or Made In Paris all day and also listen to They All Came Down To Montreux without constantly comparing RB to Morse. I think we also need to accept the fact that RB is gone, was there and was great, but has not been with DP for a long long time. “Petty differences aside” I do celebrate DP, past, present and future. Enjoy the weekend and long live DP (and family).

  28. 28
    Sami says:

    Well put, Jim…In fact I just recently bought Live at Montreaux 2006, and
    have enjoyed it tremendously!
    Have a good weekend too, cheers.
    Long live the family indeed.

  29. 29
    Bob Papp says:

    Rascal, Jim (and those with a clue), Good comments. Again, these Black fans are myopic. It’s truly sad. Sami, Truthhurts and any other band of knuckleheads, (apologies, it’s all opionions) just listen to each and every tune from Purpendicular and on for “classic guitar riffs”. I have a feeling that if you were to witness a (SMB) Steve Morse Band, Dixie Dregs concert, solo classical, gig et. al., you would not allow your collective jaws to drop. The year that Steve mercifully replaced the Black banjo player, I was at a SMB gig. There were two heavy Black guy fans “scouting” the galaxy’s greatest and were heard to say, “Ritchie’s my guy, but I’ve never seen or heard anyone this great.” Broaden your horizons and go out and pick up ANY Dregs or SMB album and/or see live. If you are not completely blown away, well, maybe you ought to find something other than music to amuse you. By the way, even Edward Van Halen is a humble guy. He, Steve, and the great English country player Albert Lee were doing a one off for Ernie Ball in California many years ago. And during a jam, Eddie put his guitar down and walked to the side of the stage with his hands on his cheeks in disbelief and feeling quite humble at the brilliance he was witnessing. Name a style, Steve masters it. WITH GREAT FEELING!!! Long and short, thank Steve and your lucky stars that he was asked to join and save the band after the Black banjo player took his hike…. :> Peace out! Getaclue

  30. 30
    T says:

    Ritchie Blackmore is…Ritchie Blackmore. Enough said.

    But Morse is a fantastic player and I don’t see any reason we can’t have the respect for Blackmore that he deserves (whether you like the current project or not) and still be a Deep Purple fan and admire and appreciate the great Steve Morse.

    Damn, I love Deep Purple in any form and as for the banjo players, I like ’em all.

    It’s not hard.

  31. 31
    Jim says:

    No T it’s not hard, let’s respect them all cause we love their music as members of the great, underrated and underappreciated DP.

  32. 32
    Sami says:

    Knucklehead, Bob Papp, eh!?I have said numerous times that I DO appreciate Mr. Morse being in Purple & I really like Purpendicular and Rapture-albums…if I do like TMIB more, I don’t think that it makes me stupid, knucklehead or whatever.I don’t call people names here, either, so I think I know who ‘the knucklehead’ really is.Good luck to you, regards, Sami.

  33. 33
    TruthHurts says:

    Widdling is different from riffing. Where are Morse’s simple memorable riffs?

    Blackmore has too many to mention, and Bolin delivered with “Love Child”, “Coming Home”, “Drifter” etc. etc.

    When they write the history books on Deep Purple I don’t think the Morse-era will be seen as amounting to very much.

    P.S. His guitar tone SUCKS, even through a Marshall it severely lacks impact, punch and clarity, and has always been inappropriate for DP.

  34. 34
    bernard says:

    salut T.Je te donne mon mail.Je joue de la gratte.J’aimerais te faire partager des choses.Mon émail.


  35. 35
    Rascal says:

    TruthHurts………..get a grip

    When they write the history books on DP, I think its more likely to say that SM put the enthusiasm, the fun, and the life back into a band that suffered ‘near death’ by the hands of RB.

    RB history book will of course speak of a 20th century legend. The final chapter will end 1997, cos lets face it his contribution since then has been non-existence.

    SM isnt RB, snd doesnt pretend to be RB.

  36. 36
    Mitzee Dupree says:

    i vote blackmore to return to the fold and play those classic DP songs renaissance style.

    Blackmore can sack the band, hire Elton John for keyboards, Sting on bass, Phill Collins on drums, and Dolly Parton on the microphone.

    Imagine ‘love is like a butterfly’, with blackmore tearing into a lead break (with no widdley bits) on an electric lute?

    A superband or what??

  37. 37
    Sami says:

    Imagine very bad jokes about RB like that in another website…that would be great or what!?

  38. 38
    Cranberry says:

    I agree Sami theirs been enough jokes about RB.

    But it does sound like a brilliant idea!

  39. 39
    purplepriest1965 says:

    And so the seasons changed……………

  40. 40
    Sami says:

    That’s right guys…and now on to other things.

  41. 41
    Sami says:

    The mandolin is a divine instrument. Man plays it but only God knows why!

  42. 42
    Sami says:

    Referring to the message above : Hey Stupid, stop using my name here, or anywhere for that matter.I hope you understand what you’re doing!!!!!!!!!!
    Cheers, Sami

  43. 43
    Sami says:

    I know what Im doing. do you?

  44. 44
    Leo says:

    Salut (Hi, sorry for the french language))
    Pour moi les choses sont simples : DP avec RB, ca n’est pas (plus) possible. DP avec SM, c’est la joie de jouer retrouvée, depuis quelques années déja, sans interruption, depuis plus longtemps que jamais auparavant. J’aime DP, j’aime la musique de DP (au point de n’avoir que très peu d’autre musique chez moi) et je serai éternellement reconnaissant à SM de nous avoir permis de retrouver DP en concert. SM est un grand guitariste (le + grand ?). Peut être n’a t-il pas le génie créateur de RB mais il a une palette de jeux qui m’enchante à chaque fois que je l’écoute ou que je le vois. Regardez les autres membres du groupe sur scène (sourires, complicité, joie de jouer), c’est autrement plus communicatif que ce qu’il se passait, hélas, avec RB.

  45. 45
    testarossa says:

    I rather like cranberry’s suggestion…i’d buy that dvd

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