When he was aiming to be the fastest player in the world
One Peter Carter, who was a professional musician since the 60s, tells the stories of how he crossed paths way back then with a virtuoso guitar player called Ritchie Blackmore.
Read more »One Peter Carter, who was a professional musician since the 60s, tells the stories of how he crossed paths way back then with a virtuoso guitar player called Ritchie Blackmore.
Read more »Jon Lord’s press conference on September 13, 2003 outside of the Hell train station in Norway, prior to his performance at the Hell Blues Festival, and at the Nidaros Cathedral in Trondheim the next day. Some of you may have seen it (some may have been there), others not.
Read more »Paicey continues his Tales from the bar with a new batch of tall tales of one nascent band that eventually became known as Deep Purple.
Read more »Geir Myklebust has a new old article reprinted in his blog — a New Musical Express feature on (then) upcoming Fireball that was originally published on March 27, 1971. Deep Purple – commercial without compromise By Richard Green FOR Deep Purple fans the end of an era is approaching. After late April or May, familiar […]
Read more »Classic Rock magazine has a feature on the brief life of Tommy Bolin. Albeit most of us know the story, it is well researched and well written, with plenty of quotes from the contemporaries. Having relocated to California, Bolin finally received what he had really wanted all along – the offer of a solo recording […]
Read more »David Coverdale spoke to Rock Classics Radio on Apple Music Hits, and among more recent things, shed the light on his writing in th Purple days: It’s the old cliché of they’re all your children. One of the questions I was asked at the management meeting for DEEP PURPLE was do I write. And I […]
Read more »The second part of Jon Lord’s feature originally published in New Musical Express on March 13, 1971. Before then he had been proving the perfect interviewee by just talking, making good points, raising sensible arguments and leading me through his career very carefully. I asked him what method the group adopted when it came to […]
Read more »Geir Myklebust continues doing God’s work with posting a New Musical Express feature on Jon Lord originally published on March 6, 1971. Here is how Jon describes the pivotal moment in his musical development: The group changed its name to the Art Woods and Jon bought a Hammond and became influenced by Graham Bond and […]
Read more »My Things – Music history for those who are able to read is a music blog dedicated to reprinting articles from old music magazines and papers from the past 50 years or so. And there are quite a few Purple related ones. Take, for example, this report in Sounds, dated March 13, 1976 — from […]
Read more »Trouser Press was a music magazine published in New York during the late 70s to early 80s. Their entire magazine archive is now available online, and issue 30 from July 1978 has a very interesting interview with Ritchie Blackmore. Where, for once, he is serious for the most part, and provides his thoughts at the […]
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