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The Original Deep Purple Web Pages
The Highway Star

A little bit o’ lovin’ on the side

UK newspaper The Independent has a feature on Deep Purple, with a review of =1, and an interview with Ian Gillan. It’s also, I suggest, a surprisingly lusty record for a band who long since swapped the Jack bottle for the travel kettle. “You mean salacious?” Gillan chuckles. “It’s a bit naughty in places I […]

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I get it now!

Simon Zyla (Wieliczka, Poland) sends us this review of =1 Steve Morse is on this album I’ll make no secret of the fact that I’m ‘Steve’s baby’ and a fan – all my Deep Purple listening for over 30 years has been Morse on guitar. So I will always look for his distinctive sound in […]

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“Just such good fun”

The Highway Star reader Jameson Rock reviews =1 I’ll be brief: Deep Purple In Rock was the first album I ever bought, =1 is the album I’ve been waiting 50 years for. (Well, apart from the fade-out on Now You’re Talking!) I thought they’d find it hard to follow Whoosh! but =1 is just such […]

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“Almost triumphant”

The Highway Star reader Roska Posti reviews =1 I became a Deep Purple fan in about 1997, and the two first current albums, Abandon and Bananas, blew me away. The problem was that while Rapture of the Deep is half-great, half-baked, those two left me waiting for them to follow up every time a new […]

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“A small dream for many fans”

The Highway Star reader Johnny ‘Andrea’ Blade reviews =1 The stylistic “novelty” of =1 is a return to the more classic Deep Purple sound, the result of a writing more focused on robust guitar riffs, a small dream for many fans of the band who for many years had hoped for a more direct and […]

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“The perfect blend”

The Highway Star reader Mike Nagoda reviews =1. Oh my freaking god… I haven’t felt this way about a Purple record since I heard Purpendicular, Steve Morse’s first outing with the band, which was released in ‘96, which I first heard over twenty years ago when I was in my twenties (I’m 38 now, in […]

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“There’s a magic space”

The Highway Star reader Marcin Karski reviews =1 We have it in our hands, at last! The craved, the anticipated new Deep Purple album. And, boy, oh boy, what a joy it is, indeed. There’s a lot to cover on it, so let’s do it in a bit of an unusual way. What’s UGLY about […]

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Success is happiness

And a couple of =1 promotional interviews to wrap up the day. German site aussiedlerbote.de has an interview with Ian Gillan, and it’s in English: Is there a song on the new album that particularly touches your heart? I like them all. But “Old-Fashioned Thing” is probably my favorite. In that song, there are interesting […]

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Wear their heritage with aplomb

A couple more press reviews of the new album =1. The Arts Desk seems to have missed the arrival of a new guitar player, but generally enjoyed the album: At this stage in the proceedings it’s unlikely Deep Purple are suddenly going to haul in a whole new fan base, but for anyone with more […]

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One is symbolic of simplicity

Couple of interviews promoting =1 that by now, frankly, sound a bit redundant, but here they are for the sake of completeness. Roger Glover spoke to ABC News: Glover said Gillan once questioned how big of an equation someone could come up with where the answer would equal one, then had a mathematician friend come […]

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