[% META title = 'Ian Gillan, Interviews' %]
Ipswich Evening Star Monday November 23rd 1981
GILLAN didn't play a particularly long set at the Ipswich Gaumont last night - which was just as well, really. Any more and the fans would have been writhing on the floor, begging for mercy.
Just Over an hour after the house lights had dimmed, the hand
left the stage, having packed in just about every stunt in the hard-
rock player's book of crowd-pleasers.
Included among the flash-bombs, guitar torture and an
extremely good light show was some fine music, forming an
expertly-paced set of old and new material.
The programme started with the customary "Unchain Your
Brain" (we did) followed closely by "Rip Out your Spine" (we
did that too). Ian Gillan hinted cynically that songs titled as
crassly as these could have little to do with putting across moral
or message.
But he can write the odd good lyric, as shown in the quieter
passages of the mixed tempo "Born To Kill". That song - a
lengthy and ambitious affair-started the show moving towards
its peak.
There was variety, but after the middle section the music
seemed to get more and more powerful. The audience responded
I suppose it was no surprise to hear the old Deep Purple
anthem "Smoke on the Water" crop up in the encores. But really
after all this time, and with such a lot of good current material to
draw upon. I wonder why Ian still insists on dragging the past
around with him like a mangy dog.
A crowd-pleaser - certainly. But by the time last night's
audience got to hear it, they were already floating way above
cloud nine.
Ian and his band return to the Gaumont on December 19, and
I'll bet many of last night's audience will be there for a second
dose of these current masters of rock.