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Glenn Hughes Australia Tour

Glenn Hughes will be performing a short tour of Australia this September/October with the band ‘Classic Deep Purple Live’.

“Most Purple fans rank Burn and Stormbringer among the greatest albums the band ever made, in any incarnation,” Glenn says. 
“Over that Mk III period, we were also performing Mk II classics like Smoke On The Water and Highway Star every night on massive world tours.
‘My lasting memories with Deep Purple in Australia, was of course the Sunbury Music Festival in ’75. After so much sunshine, came the rain – a little prophetic with us performing Stormbringer.  
My God, the mud! What mayhem, but the crowds seemed to have a great time, we sure did.’
‘I’m incredibly excited to get out there and play tracks like Burn, Mistreated, Stormbringer and Getting Tighter, as well as some of those older songs that helped define the genre. 
With this band, I can assure you of a concert that’ll blow your mind.”
Glenn was inducted into the Rock’N Roll Hall of Fame last year along with his other Deep Purple bandmates. 
With one of the heaviest repertoires known to rock, and sound and lighting production values befitting the legend, 
Glenn Hughes’ Classic Deep Purple shows are destined to write a new page in rock history – GET READY!
Wednesday, September 20: State Theatre, Sydney – Pre-Sale
Sunday, September 24: Concert Hall, Perth – Pre-Sale
Friday, September 29: Hamer Hall, Melbourne – Pre-Sale
Sunday, October 1: Qpac, Brisbane – Pre Sale
On Sale Monday, July 10 @ 9.00am
Watch the Promo Video here:


thanks to Lutz and Yvonne for the info.

47 Comments to “Glenn Hughes Australia Tour”:

  1. 1
    David White says:

    “Most Purple fans rank Burn and Stormbringer among the greatest albums the band ever made, in any incarnation,” – Glenn you are a deluded fool!

  2. 2
    MacGregor says:

    Nothing like a bit of PR eh? Most Purple fans seem to NOT rate Stormbringer that high, compared to a few of their other classic albums! Personally as I have stated earlier, Stormbringer has a wonderful 4-5 songs on it! The others are good, but not great to my ears! Playing a few MK2 songs as well possibly? I have always wondered why Hughes does play them, as he has stated that he isn’t or wasn’t a fan of the band before he joined it! Those MASSIVE world tours back in the day eh! Cheers.

  3. 3
    NWO says:

    I guess I am not most fans as I rate all Mk II albums better than any of the 2 Mark III albums. Actually I would say that MK V, VII & VIII did better stuff.

    In Glenn’s mind now – he wrote, sang, produced and was the center of MK III. Wow, he went from being just the bass player to the leader of the band!! Good work Glenn!

  4. 4
    Blackwood Richmore says:

    @1, 2 & 3…. Come on guys, it’s just marketing… these days the money comes from getting bums on seats… Glenn knows it, as does every other showman… Sooo… He will say whatever is necessary to get people to buy tickets… & he will play the kind of DP show that people would expect to hear from him… Mk3 & Mk4 with some Mk2 thrown in for good measure… After all, he is THE Glenn Hughes… the voice of rock!. Smiles to ya!.

  5. 5
    Daniel Miller says:

    I love the tracks, Burn, Mistreated, Stormbringer, Soldier of Fortune and You Keep on Moving but that’s as far as it goes for Glenn’s contribution to Deep Purple’s cannon of work. His histrionics during the Mk3 live albums make me fantasise how things could have been different if Roger hadn’t been ignominiously dismissed.

  6. 6
    UWE HORNUNG says:

    Glenn – just a bass player? He was/is one hell of a bass player and his vocals and songwriting, as well as frontmanship, shaped MK III as much as Coverdale’s contributions.

    And here is one DP fan that rates Stormbringer high, it’s one of the most versatile DP albums and – along with Come Taste the Band – the best production job too.

    But let’s not get into the old MK II vs MK III/IV again. I love Gillan’s work with the band, but that is no reason to belittle DC’s and GH’s tenure with the band.

    Whether you like Glenn or not, whenever he does MK III/IV material, he does it justice and it is performed with ebullience.

    And as regards Mk III/IV touring track record: In 1974, they criss-crossed America, headlined the largest open-air (for decades) there, filled arenas and superdomes (Mk III played larger venues than MK II – no doubt building on the groundwork of the previous line-up), toured the UK and the Continent. In 1975, they played Eastern Europe (a rare thing for a western band of their popularity back then) and – as MK IV – in the Pacific, Australasia and Japan plus more criss-crossing of the USA and – finally – the ill-fated UK tour. Yeah, that’s massive enough of a world tour in my book, especially as 1974/75 was basically one extended tour with the set-list’s only change being the introduction of Stormbringer, Lady Doubledealer and Gypsy after the Stormbringer release in late 74 (at the expense of some Burn tracks such as Might just take your life).

    If that doesn’t qualify as a world tour then Led Zeppelin never had a world tour during their whole existence as they stuck mostly to North America and hardly ever showed their faces outside of it during their 70ies heydays.

  7. 7
    Jon Humphreys says:

    Old men’s egos prevent even Coverdale (whose Purple album/tour flopped last year) and Hughes touring together. Silly old men. I’m pretty sure little Ian would oblige if they got a good Blackmore/Bolin copyist (they do exist) for a few dates. The sticking point is replacing Lord. I’ve heard a good few guitar players who can do the Blackmore thing as a copyist without the flair for innovation (just thought – ask Janick Gers?), but there’s something about Lord’s attack and timing on organ and piano that nobody can really match (not even Don, exceptional though he is in his own right, and a far better synth player than Jon ever was)

    One last outing for You Fool No One with Coverdale/Hughes/Paice/Gers and maybe the woman is who plays Hammond in those Japanese tribute bands – Sign me Up!!

  8. 8
    Brian says:

    I will gladly pay to see Glenn Hughes any day of week. I am sure we all know “Burn” was the second best record, or maybe third to some, that DP ever made. I don’t ever consider DP to be DP anymore, it is clear Ian Gillan and Friends. Deep Gillian.

  9. 9
    MacGregor says:

    Sir Blackwood@4- as i said, nothing like a bit of PR! Cheers.

  10. 10
    Svante Axbacke says:

    Yes, of course it’s marketing. But Glenn can be forgiven for thinking that Mk. III is everyone’s favorite because I am sure everyone who meets him claims that his time in DP was the best. 🙂

  11. 11
    DeeperPurps says:

    I have seen Glenn Hughes play a couple of times in the past 4 years. That man can sing circles around most vocalists his age, yet alone half his age. And he is a virtuoso on bass too. He has a huge back catalogue of songs from Trapeze, solo work, various collaborations, Black Country Communion in addition to his work with Mark III & IV Purple.

    He plays his heart out at his shows, no matter the size of the venue or the number of attendees. I am sure his upcoming Purple tribute shows in Oz will be wonderful. Wish I could be there to see them.

  12. 12
    Sammy Romeo says:

    Glenn Hughes will always be remembered as a great vocalist/bass player. As for his time in Purple he was just filling in until things got sorted out & Roger took back his throne. Glenn’s best work was in the early 70’s with the great but underrated band TRAPEZE. I like most people were crushed when the band split . Burn & Stormbringer had a few good songs on them but bottom line IT WASN”T DEEP PURPLE!

  13. 13
    T says:

    Mark 2 was a organic monster with a versatility never been seen before; that technique, playfullness and finesse sure makes Glenn sound delusional.

  14. 14
    Adel says:

    I just can’t stop laughing when I read people having a go at Glenn for trying to sell tickets on the back of DP Mk 3&4
    Blackmore is filling up arenas with a Mickey Mouse Disney band on the back of DP and Rainbow.
    What songs does IG play on his solo tours and how does he get people to buy tickets???
    What percentage of Steve Morse stuff is played in DP concerts after 25 years of him joining the band.
    IG described DP family tree as a F***ing jungle and he was right.
    Even IP is playing in a DP tribute band!!!!
    One thing I would say about Glenn Hughes he is the most talented bass/singer/song writer on the planet and his solo and BCC material is there for people to judge.

  15. 15
    Adel says:

    UWE @6
    I adore you. You nailed it on the head with facts and facts. I respect people like you. Long live the true DP fans.

  16. 16
    Steve says:

    I’ve bought the tickets on pre sale and can’t wait for September to roll around
    Yes Glenn self promotes,yes it might be seen as a tribute band and yes Mk 111 stood on the backs of giants and yes some of his whooping and hollering with Purple gave me the irrits as well.
    But you know what?…. I’m going to see Glenn belt out some classic tunes played with some real fire and ( sacrilege ) get my head blown off a lot more than I did when I saw Purple last time they were over in Oz
    And all you knockers…. I bit there’s a little part of you that wishes they were in Australia to see this as well. Hmmmm?

  17. 17
    peter chrisp says:

    Bums on seats & a bit of PR and why not i’m sold on the idea.

  18. 18
    Rock Voorne says:

    “Over that Mk III period, we were also performing Mk II classics like Smoke On The Water and Highway Star every night on massive world tours.”

    Thats not really saying he is going to do highway star or SOTW, isnt it?

    Maybe this is ? :

    ‘I’m incredibly excited to get out there and play tracks like Burn, Mistreated, Stormbringer and Getting Tighter, as well as some of those older songs that helped define the genre.
    With this band, I can assure you of a concert that’ll blow your mind.”

    I guess most DP fans ARE considering those MK 3 albums among the best because outside the Morse bubble most fans prefer Blackmore lead albums above the Morse albums.

    Well, at least every sane classic rock fan rates BIRN for what it is : a major classic.

    Glenn did tracks like Highway Star and SOTW before and not so bad, I d say.
    His current band has the chops to deliver them as well.

    Apart from the never stopping over indulgment in ugly high screaming and Michael Jackson like “outings” Glenn always rocks when playing live.
    Personally I prefer a bit more subtle approach regarding the volume but I ve given up on that.

  19. 19
    Rock Voorne says:


  20. 20
    Phil says:

    There was a Ticketmaster pre sale offer early last week for shows in New Zealand, Wellington 27th September & Auckland 3rd October. Hopefully the real Deep Purple will visit our shores next year so could use this show as an appetizer:)

  21. 21
    UWE HORNUNG says:

    Crucify me, but I actually liked MK III’s and IV’s SOTW version with the second verse being repeated with twin lead vocals of Glenn and David. It sounded a bit like Mother’s Finest were doing it and that can’t be a bad thing! There, I said it. I have no issues with Glenn playing that song – people don’t complain about Ron Wood playing Brian Jones and Mick Taylor-era songs either.

    They did botch Highway Star though, no question. But then Ian Gillan would have had a hard time doing Mistreated or Burn credibly too.

    My one gripe with MK III/IV are Coverdale’s inane lyrics (the nadir came with Whitesnake, he was still somewhat contained with DP) – Gillan is a cerebral poet in comparison (and of course his vocal melodies are more off the wall which I like – soon enough too off the wall for Blackmore as everybody should remember). Hughes’ lyrics were never as dumb as Coverdale’s.

    And for those who tend to freeze in awe of MK 2’s output: Little Ian’s drumming actually peaked in the MK III/IV era (plus PAL afterwards) because Glenn’s bass playing made him rethink his drumming. Where Roger went with Ian’s flow and swing, Glenn’s sense of dynamics, stops and starts as well as general pushiness when playing transformed Paice’s (already excellent before and still today) drumming.

    Glenn’s soundbites are often belittled here, but he once said something very perceptive. Whem asked what his greatest musical contribution to DP was, the alleged loudmouth said something modest along the lines of: “Bringing Ian Paice as a drummer out of the closet. I made him light up with his playing.” And it’s true: MK II live in their heyday had Ian Paice orienting himself largely on Blackmore – with Roger following Ian Paice. MK III/IV saw Paice play more and more off Glenn Hughes edgy and rhythmically more adventurous bass playing.

    As a bass player myself I might put an undue focus on this, but I always marvel at all these comments complaining about Glenn’s OTT vocals (as they can be) with no one ever complimenting his bass playing. Is it that vain to you guys who plays bass with Purple as long as Ritchie, Jon and Little Ian are there? Don’t you ever LISTEN to what Glenn actually did on bass and how that fired up the whole band? Go back to Made in Europe and hear You Fool No One again for Chrisssakes!!! ; – )

  22. 22
    DeeperPurps says:

    Uwe @ 21, Agreed 110%!

    You Fool No One (live) off Made in Europe is a master class in hard rock / funk bass playing. Because of Glenn Hughes’ playing, it opened many other musical vistas to me in the form of James Brown, Funkadelic, Living Colour, Electric Miles Davis, Stanley Clarke, etc, etc.

  23. 23
    MacGregor says:

    Uwe @ 21- Many ‘fans’ commenting in the past have mentioned, complimented & praised Hughes & his bass playing, myself included. Also Paice’s drumming ‘changing’ for MK3, more adventurous etc! Cheers.

  24. 24
    UWE HORNUNG says:

    Adel@15: : – ) Danke schön, but generally, people just want to hit me over the head in forums for being contrarian!!!

  25. 25
    Coronarias says:

    Spot on there Uwe – You Fool No One from MiE is up there with the all-time Purple high points!

  26. 26
    Phil says:

    I saw him in Melbourne with ‘Cream’ a few weeks ago and he shone. Did an impromptu version of Mistreated that he dedicated to Manchester in solidarity with people of the city. Looking forward to seeing him do Purple in a couple of months.

  27. 27
    UWE HORNUNG says:

    Well, I’m happy to read that ole Glenn gets some credit as a 4-stringer here! Even though he makes little bones about his own bass playing, he deserves it. It was Coverdale who said: “I never ever saw Glenn rehearse something for himself on bass in all my years with DP, he would just pick up his bass when asked and play on the spot something that sounded great, regularly a first take.”

    And re his work ethic: It’s true, I’ve seen him give his all on the underpromoted California Breed (not the best-chosen musical outing of his) club tour in Germany a few years ago where less than 100 people showed up for a gig. He hid his disappointment well and gave a flamboyant performance as if he were headlining California Jam all over again – that Orange bass rig was a smokin’. You may call that delusional, professional or just plain enthusiastic. No one can accuse Glenn of not working his ass off on stage. That has not always been the case with some of his Purple bandmates.

  28. 28
    byron says:

    He’s one of the last 70′ icon who stil can sing properly and reach those high pitched not (Bernie Shaw of Heep can do it too) and still gives everything on stage.His vocals are sometimes a little bit embarassing-too much funky screaming IMO- but you can’t deny he loves to be on stage.

  29. 29
    UWE HORNUNG says:

    When I first heard Made in Europe many moons ago I thought: “Oh wow, this sounds like Ritchie’s mind is already on to other things, but in exchange we now have a “lead bassist” in Deep Purple!” It sounded in part like at those last MK III gigs Glenn consciously tried to compensate for Blacker’s increasingly withdrawn performance by bringing his bass playing – never the one of a shrinking violet – even more upfront.

    And if there is one thing that Glenn has prominent talent for then it is being upfront.
    ; – ) But that never bothered me. A band of five Glenn Hughes style players and singers would be a bit much, but with Purple he had room. And he knew how to take it!

  30. 30
    Thorsun says:

    @6, 21

    Hello Uwe! if only anyone is picking on you for what you say – send him to me – I’ll get the man a proper discussion based on facts combined with personal view! I mean seriously, c’mon, I love to read what you have to say – since in every post you make some valid points for discussion. Wish I could do that as well as you do, I always try but I also get forehead-shots anyway. So please write, don’t hesitate to! I am a fan, enjoying your stuff and the quality you bring to the discussion! Would be nice to have a talk over a different channel, but I’m not sure how to coinnect without publicizing the e-mail here! Regards and hats off! Thorry

  31. 31
    Thorsun says:

    As much as I love Glenn’s ability to rock despite the passing time – his playing, charisma energy and the VOICE, I always get confused about the PR stunts he does. And the career decisions too. I mean, with his artistic output, does he need to stickto Deep Purple name again? I don’t think so. Bring me the Trapeze tribute show, now that’s something no one else would do properly and so I’d love to have it… Glenn says – “the great band”… I mean Pontus and Lachy are amazing, but again – replacing Soren along with his mighty skills to Jeff Kollman? Validity of that move a mystery to me. Pat Thrall would have made it worth a trip from Europe to Australia alone, hands down. Pat, JJ and Soren are the holy trinity of axemen to make a real burning show of Glenn Hughes. I could add Andy Watt here too, he was really smokin’ live with California Breed but… whatever the nature of his fall out with Glenn was – this seems more unlikely than I would wish it ever was.

    I would far more happily pay for Trapeze stuff (Medusa! Jury! Seafull!) being played instead of Mk II Machine raisins here. Still – I can’t go, I can’t pay for what it gets to be – so I hope the people will enjoy this strange thing anyway.

  32. 32
    Blackwood Richmore says:

    @ 30 Thorsun, Uwe is a legal eagle & as such, is a skilled, facts based word smith, with a razor sharp wit!. So I’m sure that he is more than capable of arguing any one of us to the ground & keeping us pinned there…. should he so choose to!. The only thing missing is… maybe Uwe could stick a little video of his bass playing on the internet for us all to enjoy?!…

  33. 33
    Adel says:

    Thorson @31

    Deep purple name on a show is a massive seller. I saw Glenn on his last Uk tour last year in Reading and he was amazing in every aspect but he played in very small Unknown venues in the uk and the crowd numbers were more in the few hundreds and even though he had a great solo album in Roseate the crowds knew more of the Deep purple stuff than his solo stuff.
    The sad thing that if an artist wants to make a living he or she has to please the crowds in their majority not in their minority to make ends meet at the end of the day.
    Having sad that an album is like piece of art in a gallary some could pass it by without spending a minute looking at it just like when people dismiss great albums and listen only to classic stuff.
    Glenn Hughes solo albums and Black Country Communion three albums are amazing and it’s reflects his true song writing, playing and singing talents. But no artists can break free from the deep purple family tree for commercial reasons of course.
    Sad but true

  34. 34
    Mikkey says:

    Glenn and David did well with Deep Purple and decades after the Purple.
    many Deep Purple fans love the Mark 3 and some of great solos by Ritchies and jon, Iand and singing by Bluesy David and Glenn.
    Glenn did one thing that many fans are grateful, he capt the spirit of mark 3 by performing the songs on his shows.
    Be it Mistrated, or Stormbringer, Burn ( Burning Live Japan) You keep on Moving mark 4 and others.
    I’m grateful for Mark 1 – they were magical and their final album is the testament of that magic. Mark 2 wow the classic and most hard / heavy with amazing transformation and power, simply the best.
    And Mark 3 the bluesy heavy and versatile.
    The band in all it incarnations had to offer us the fans a lot of good music, and we are grateful.
    And the Deep Purple Family – Rainbow, Whitesnake , Glenn and his act, JLT and his act etc etc etc Nick and his act, even Rod and his King act.
    Blackmore Knight etc etc etc.
    Long Live Rock & Roll

  35. 35
    UWE HORNUNG says:

    I put up absolutely no defense for Glenn’s abysmal career decisions and his erratic personnel policies. Or his style fluctuations. He’s basically been restless since he left his Midlands buddies from Trapeze for the lure of filthy lucre with DP in 1973. I believe that even a raging coke addiction can explain that only in part. Status Quo were 50% coke addicts in their heyday, yet had a stable career [and no one will accuse them of playing too many styles! ; – ) ]. So did Robert Palmer.

    Like any old Purple fan I love it when Glenn does MK III or IV material. I also love Trapeze, but that is even more a cult taste than MK III/IV. My two favourite non-DP albums from Glenn – aside from Hughes Tharall and Trapeze’s “You are the music …” – are Play Me Out and Feel. Not because I’m such a great soul and funk buff – I’m not – but because he sounds most at ease and dare I say content playing that type of music. (Plus he does it exceedingly well.) Yet he has that DP albatross around his neck – to quote the Godfather: “… it keeps pulling me back in” …


    Glenn’s core predicament is that the single child craves adulation so much, he was never brave or determined enough to really stick to a white funk career like, say, Jamiroquai did. Or – if you want things more rocky – something along the lines of Mother’s Finest or Sly & The Family Stone. (I think he would have done great in a multi-ethnic line-up.) It would have forced him to make people forget that he was ever in DP because to most black music fans that is a huge turn-off. But he was – unlike David Coverdale in mid to late period Whitesnake or Ritchie once he set sail for the shadow of the moon – never willing to leave that part of his heritage behind him and, consequently, has been stuck in a musical no-man’s land for the last few decades. That doesn’t mean that he isn’t good at other styles too, but the veering from one style to the next doesn’t build a consistent career.

    Can’t our Italian amici Frontiers Records talk him into a power trio with Nile Rodgers and Dennis Chambers per favore? ; – )

  36. 36
    Rock Voorne says:

    Kudos to the people that wrote such great posts on Glenn.
    It was really getting up my nose, all that bashing over the years.

  37. 37
    UWE HORNUNG says:

    Blackwood Richmore @ 32: Your wish is my command … ; – )


  38. 38
    Hughes Fan says:

    Wow great to hear playing the music of MKIII and MKIV . You have an awesome voice .Did the music of Cream a few months ago. Yes you have the voice . Not coming to Adelaide . AGAIN

  39. 39
    Blackwood Richmore says:

    @37 UWE, Wow!… Oh man, you have a lot of bass guitars… you could make a fortune on eBay!. I’m suitably impressed… Smiles to ya!.

  40. 40
    NWO says:

    Well a quick one liner brought lots of healthy debate on here!

    For the Glenn & BCC fans Mascot Records is releasing BCC IV. Video on September 2nd. See here https://www.mascotlabelgroup.com/Black-Country-Communion-returns-with-BCCIV.-Pre-order-now

    Now will they tour USA or Canada? Maybe but it all comes to $$$. Joe does well on his own, Jason is making good money touring with Sammy. Glenn can only do 500 – 1000 seat clubs in Toronto – I am sure he has a strong market but it isn’t here. Derek? who?

    @ Uwe – Nice collection! – I guess you are more of a lawyer than a liar! LOL

  41. 41
    Blackwood Richmore says:

    @40 NWO, hey buddy, didn’t you know?… Uwe is groovy!.
    Smiles to ya!.

  42. 42
    Rock Voorne says:

    Nice interview and footage.



    I think thisNot the one from rambling fair)is better live representation.


  43. 43
    MacGregor says:

    Uwe @ 37- that is a serious collection of assorted guitars, cheers.

  44. 44
    matman says:

    DP MKIII and IV did some amazing stuff folks. Glenn’s voice, musical sensibility and performance chops need no hyping, they are actually astounding. Have you actually seen him live? I brought a friend of mine (not a big purple fan) to see him guest with the kids of Cream and he was stunned. He can’t wait to go back to see the classic Purple tracks get the Hughes treatment. And guess what? I can’t either. As a rabid fan of all things Purple (which automatically excludes “deep rainbow” except perhaps for “fire in the basement”), I say give MKIII and IV their due…a good listen or two again. They are undeniably some of the best music to come from those times, and hold up brilliantly today.

  45. 45
    stoffer says:

    Mark III and IV put out some seriously great music with Burn no doubt being the best! GH has a catalog of enough music to play for hours, especially Trapeze BCC etc!! So why does he do SOTW and Highway Star, if your going to a GH concert to hear those songs I think you need to expand your musical knowledge (still cant get over the whooping and moaning of the live shows before the collapse) I’m sure its much better now but he doesn’t need those songs to get peoples “bums in the seats”. lol

  46. 46
    DeepOz says:

    Setlist was
    Might Just Take Your Life
    Sail Away
    You Fool No One
    This Time Around
    Holy Man
    Gettin’ Tighter
    You Keep on Moving
    Smoke On The Water / Georgia
    Highway Star

  47. 47
    DeepOz says:

    Sydney and Melbourne were recorded so hopefully there will be some pro-footage released at some point, here’s hoping

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