Highway Bars
In memory of the 1997 Rainbow tour -- a song the band will be performing
at it's next venue....(sung to the tune of Highway Star)...
I'm famous, but I play in bars!
My career is near the en-d!
I'm famous but I play in bars!
It's a kick in my rear en-d!
Ohhh -- It's killin' me!
I had everything!
Like concert halls...
stad-i-ums and everything!
I miss 'em!
Purple's in 'em!
but I dissed 'em!
Ohhh -- it smells like Beer!
I played -- Cal Jam- but- NOW- I- play- in- BARS! --
(da da da da DAAA DAAA)
I'm famous but I play in bars,
and my girlfriend's singing back-up
I'm famous but I play in bars,
the bands' wives are selling T-shirts!
Oooo -- my musicians are fat --
to make me look trim!
Ya know Dougie's great --
but pretty soon -- I'll piss off him!
I'm dressed in -- tight's stretched thin --
by my fat skin!
Yeah! -- and my moustache is too!
I flew in jet planes but
NOW - I - PLAY - in - BARS!
Just kidding -- love ya RB!
Ed Coury
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